Welcome to Sloan’s 4-H Project

SAVE THE DATE!  I would appreciate your support in bidding on my pigs during the auction!

The Crane Ridge 4-H Swine Project invites you to attend the
Alameda County Fair Junior Livestock Auction
Sunday, July 10,  2022
9:00 am (registration 8:00 am)
Alameda County Fairgrounds, Pleasanton, CA

Find out how to support my project! 

How to support my project

Come to the auction and bid live!  Register at the auction or online here.

Can’t attend the auction?  Contact us to be your proxy buyer.

Don’t want the pig?  Sell it back to the fair or donate.  Also, after registering, an “add-on” option is available to contribute to my project without purchasing the pigs.

If you are interested in attending the Alameda County Junior Livestock Auction to bid on a market animal, please call (925) 784-6145 to get FREE tickets for fair entry/parking and to coordinate the auction registration.


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